Tuesday, November 22, 2011

2 Boys under the age of 2!

I am writing this blog while rocking Logan. I am the master of multitasking these days, I have no choice, and wouldn't want it any other way. I had to blog about my morning just so I can go back and laugh in a few years! Logan woke up before Mason of course he was up at 6 so I was able to feed him and he was back asleep before Mason woke up around 8. I was able to change him and he ate breakfast. When he started to play he realized he didn't see his Bubba. He started saying Bubba, Bubba, Bubba and holding his arms out like where is he?? The sprinted into my bedroom where Logan was sleeping and starting yelling so loud, "BUBBA, BUBBA, BUBBA!" And proceeded to poke him in the check over and over. SO, Logan was back awake. As I started to feed Logan, Mase started pulling out all his tricks to get the attention back on him! He was standing on the end table that has sharp corners in his socks. He gets up there so fast, and when I say, No, No he jumps head first into the chair that is near by OR into the playard that is also near by. He was also pulling on a TV tray I have set up next to the playard that has 2 diaper caddies on it and the whole table and on fell on top of him. When I got up to help him and pick everything up he went over to the recliner and let his whole mouth of milk run out into the seat. I couldn't sit back down to feed and rock Logan until I got a towel and cleaned up the milk!! I mean seriously he is a mess! I decided it was nap time for him! He is such a sweet little boy and was a super good baby...I think we are getting into what they call the terrible 2's a little early! Love that little boy even if he is a mess!!

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