Mason started the summer off with the worst napping routine fussing wanting to be rocked. At first I was fine with it I was excited to spend time with him, but it got to be a problem when 1/2 the day was spent with him being sleepy, me rocking & rocking, finally getting him to sleep, laying him down, and 30 minutes he was back up and not fully rested! Something had to change! He did well with cry it out for night time but he never did well with it during the day at the baby sitters and there was other babies who he would wake up! I had to try it though! The first time I tried he cried and cried and I think his teeth were bothering him and it did NOT work I went and got him. A few days later I tried again for his afternoon nap I could tell he was getting sleeping and so I gave him some milk in a sippy cup (no more bottles…yay) and then put him in his bed. He went right to sleep and slept for 2 hours…it was amazing! The next day Daddy was here with us and he put him in his bed around 9 and he slept until 11, and then from 1-3! That is our normal routine now! I am able to rest and get things done around the house, and he is able to sleep and wake up feeling rested! So glad I tried it again and we are able to both feel better and have better days around here!
We have to be on some type of schedule with him around here before #2 arrives :)