Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Almost 6 months old!

My Mason man is almost 6 months old! That doesn't seem possible. He is sleeping in his own bed all the way upstairs. Last night he actually fell asleep in his bed on his own. He was so sleepy and fighting his sleep so Brian laid him down up there. We heard him talking for a few minutes and then he gave it up. Then, I had to wake him up this morning to eat before we got on the road. I dreaded him sleeping up there, but he is doing GREAT! He is also sitting up on his own now. He hasn't figured out to get to the sitting up position, but he can sit when you put him in that position. As far as his food goes he has cereal with a fruit or veggie twice a day. He LOVES apples! He has liked everything we have given him. He wasn't so sure about the green beans. Very funny face while eating those but he did eat them! He is such a good baby! Lately, he has been a little fussy at times but his bottom two teeth are about to come it! Pictures of him coming soon when I am able to get them on my new laptop!

New Computer

I just received my MacBook Pro today! I can't wait to download pics, music, and all kinds of things all in one place! Also, we use apple computers at school so now I can work from home on things I can easily use at school so excited! Thanks MISD for having a computer buy program!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Babies, Babies, Babies!

Everywhere I look. OK, so I have one with me 24/7 (when I’m not at work) but not just mine. There will be more soon!

Miss Presley Dean Spoerl will make her appearance sometime around January 17th. We had Ashley’s shower this weekend! It was alot of fun! I have 2 brothers, so Ashley is the closest thing I will ever have to a sister…I love her!



My newest projects have included making diaper cakes & burp cloths. I loved making this so girly:

PB061274 PB061273

I also made this blanket zebra on one side and pink bumpy on the other with her name on it:

PB061281 PB061282

I know you can’t see them well, but I also sewed together some burp cloths that were embroidered, and designed some onesies!


This has to be my favorite outfit I gave her!


Paige made her these cute letters for her room!


Delicious Cakes in Southlake, Strawberry Champagne!


She received many great gifts!


It was a great time!

We also will soon get to experience the arrival of little Miss Harper Marie Suttle! Her shower was a couple weekends ago. I didn’t have my camera with me, so I had to get these from Brook’s facebook. 

This was her diaper cake I made!

Harpers Diaper Cake

And the spit rags I made hanging on the fireplace!

Harpers Spit Rags

We will get to meet baby Haper sometime soon, probably the beginning of December!

Harpers Shower


Now I am planning baby Cy’s shower for December 4th! So much fun!


Love yall!
