Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Reality set in last night when I was sitting at the hospital with my husband waiting for the nurses to check out my “sample” and see if I was dehydrated at all and would need to stay and receive fluids through an IV. Reality that in a little over 3 months we would be there again to meet our sweet baby boy #2. It is hard to imagine my life with 2 boys under the age of 2! I have no idea what it is going to be like except exhausting! Being 6 months pregnant and chasing a 13 month old is exhausting in itself.

Going back to the hospital visit…It started Monday night after dinner. I had an extreme case of acid reflux/heartburn/Indigestion, which I’ve never had until I was pregnant the 1st time and it was a slight discomfort occasionally. This time it was causing extreme pain! I finally was able to get to sleep but woke up around 3am and  was throwing up a mucus acid mixture (appetizing)! Throughout the day I was unable to keep food down and barely able to drink anything. By the time I talked to my doctor she was afraid I was dehydrated which can cause many problems during pregnancy so she instructed me to go up to the hospital and be monitored and make sure everything was ok. Brian was in the middle of feeding Mason dinner and making us dinner so by the time we finished that up and made it to Dallas it was 7pm. There we sat in the labor and delivery wing at Baylor waiting for them to check everything out. As it turned out, everything was looking good. I was not dehydrated enough to need any fluids and they gave me some medicine to help with the acid reflux/indigestion problem. By the time we left a couple hours later I was feeling better than I had earlier in the day. Better safe than sorry!! Thanks to my hubby for taking the day off and taking care of Mase & I! I am still not feeling 100% today, I was super sleepy and weak but not throwing up!

All & all being at the hospital was a reality check that in a few months we would be there meeting our sweet baby and until then I needed to make sure and take good care of myself. Sometimes, it is hard to think about taking care of me when I’m chasing Mason all day. How will I ever take care of myself with 2 babies?!

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