Monday, February 7, 2011


So last night Mason fell asleep after about 45 minutes of crying and me checking on him every 10 minutes. Then, he woke up around 3 and I only had to go in once and check on him and he was back asleep.

TONIGHT: We had a bath, read Peek-a-Boo I Love You, and then I put him in his bed and off I went downstairs. He was asleep in about 3 minutes! By the time I walked downstairs and got the monitor he was asleep.

Amazing how babies train us :)

When I got home today Mason & I played in the floor. He is such a happy, happy, happy little guy! He screams laughing all day long! His newest trick is holding his own bottle!


  1. YAY!!! I am glad it is going so well!! He is such a fast learner! The only downside to good sleep is less snuggles :) BUT the benefits SO outweigh the costs on this one! Congrats Mason!

  2. Way to Go! The sooner the better. It only took FOREVER to get Cole and Collin to sleep in their own rooms!! Hopefully Cy will learn faster than them!

  3. I wish I could have trained Lola to sleep better on her own young bc now I feel it's so much harder since she's too big for a crib. So stick with it! Glad he's catching on so fast!
